When we think about getting around Los Angeles, we think of a vast network of freeways and cars stacked up on the 405. Yet, the L.A. Metro does exist. Since 1989 the Metro of Los Angeles has commissioned artists to integrate their work in various locations in the Los Angeles transportation system. Not only does the artist’s work become more accessible as metro art but the commuter becomes a key ingredient in the shared experience. In this dance, there is a collaboration of space as the metro rider becomes the mover in relationship to the fixedness and flavor of the various metro stops’ artwork.
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Mar 1
dance anywhere® takes a break
by dance anywhere®
dance anywhere® will not be hosting an official event in 2017, but please keep dancing wherever you are!
Mar 11
artists + movement = dance anywhere®
by dance anywhere®
where is the dance in your art practice?
Mar 1
artist call for entry
by Beth Fein
Artists must create work that incorporates movement in any form…
Feb 25
“I Came to See You, But You Are Gone”
by Beth Fein
farewell to Subterranean Arthouse…a celebration of endings and beginnings