San Francisco Bay Area dance photographer. In addition to my website, my photos can be found at facebook.com/MattHaberPhotography
Emeryville Public Market
Powell and Hollis Emeryville
Matt Haber said:
A story of missed connections. Dancers were expected. I was waiting. And searching. No dancers could be found, so I made pictures anyway.
2311A Magnolia Oakland CA
Cesar Chavez Park
11 Spinnaker Way Berkeley ca 94710
Matt Haber said:
I had a small window of time around noon, and was unexpectedly in Berkeley. Where to go? Well, Elizabeth Boubion was dancing at the Sundial at the Marina. So I went down there, and eventually someone who looked like a dancer showed up. I asked if she was a dancer, and Meghan said she was. She stretched, and we waited for other dancers. Eventually, when they didn't show up, we learned that there is another sundial at the marina, or rather at Cesar Chavez park nearby. So we scurried over there, and they danced, and I photographed. Beautiful! I've walked around Cesar Chavez Park dozens of times, and never knew that there was a sundial (and an unusual one too), so that was an unexpected treat!